Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Republicans are Coming!

The Republicans are coming! They are emboldened, encouraged, on fire, you name it. All because a senator in Massachusetts won a temporary seat to finish the late Sen. Ted Kennedy’s term. Sort of a real life Jimmy Stewart in living color. Anyone remember that movie “Mr. Smith goes to Washington”?
I am still trying to figure out how this one guy can turn everything in Congress around. He insisted on driving around in his ‘American made’ pickup. Sort of a rolled up sleeves George W. Bush on Valium. And please don’t get me started on American vs foreign made. I am still trying to find an American Car better than the 1994 Honda Accord I used to own. But I am trying..really. I’m sure that previous sentence has the top brass at Ford and G.M. calling a meeting right now.
Anyway, how can one junior senator have the power to kill health care for everyone, for starters? One word-partisanship. They hate each other. The Republicans hate Obama, and once the shock of him winning wore off they have called ‘all hands on deck’ to crush everything he tries to do. So what would any good Democrat do?: hate the Republicans back.
Then there are differences inside each party as well. Infighting. And one last thing: the independent. A new creature in DC-not. But much more powerful than in the past. Some are true to their beliefs, some love to be the spoiler, some are mad at what they consider a past injustice done to them. You figure out who is who, I won’t dare try.
I read a book years back called “Secrets of the Temple”. 700 pages. It explained why the Chairman of the Federal Reserve was really more powerful than anyone else even the President. Meanwhile we all know the President himself is pretty powerful himself. Hey he has ‘the codes’ in that suitcase after all. The Secretary of State is powerful,
So then enter Mr. Junior Senator and the pundits are swinging from the chandeliers!
As long as both sides, make that all sides, stick to their guns and despise people that think differently than themselves nothing much will get done. Maybe it’s better that way.
And the band played on..

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